Two young siblings

The Storyteller


She was always the storyteller. She could make them up on command. Anytime. Anywhere. I remember one summer afternoon in 1968, we were waiting in the car while Mom was in the grocery store. It was warm and the windows were down, letting in a cool south Seattle breeze. “See that man right there?” she asked me. “The sweaty one with the blue shirt and the frown?” “Yeah,” I said. “He just came to the …

Sleeping Arrangements


Our friends looked at us in shock when we told them of our sleeping arrangements. Previously, the only decision regarding sleeping arrangements in our house had to do with who spoons who. That was until we started letting the dogs sleep on the bed with us. After that, there was no spooning. In fact there was no room for any utensils. Frankly, I do miss the forking. We’re accustomed to strange looks when people learn …

Rachel Maddow who is that

Maddow? Who’s that?

topdogUnpopular Opinions

The Missus and I were out to dinner. We hadn’t seen The Missus’ cousin and husband for some time and had a lot of catching up to do. The conversations rolled along amiably, switching easily from one topic to another. Having touched upon tractors, forestry, and proper chainsaw sharpening, he and I were in a brief conversational hiatus, because what’s the point of ordering beer if you’re not going to drink it? It was then …

Fathers Day Books

Father’s Day Books, For The Win.


I had every intention of writing a brilliant blog post today. Perhaps something deep and acerbic on the confluence of politics and art (“AOC’s Post-Modern Napkin Scribbles Win Critical Acclaim”). Or perhaps a somber overview of our collapsing civilization from the viewpoint of opportunistic extraterrestrials (“Dear Humans; We’ll Take It From Here”*). Maybe a long treatise on fake-conservatives and the demise of decent hot dog stands (“Grilled or Boiled? The Important Question Tweeters of NRO …

triggered feature image


topdogUnpopular Opinions

Here’s the score: We’re now in Month 6 of “Two weeks to flatten the curve.” Our governor acts like a king, dictating to us what we can do, how many we can do it with, and what we should wear. Businesses have died (including mine). The RULES keep changing. We engage in Safety Theater by wearing masks in public even though their effectiveness is in dispute. A black man died from an overdose in Minnesota …