It’s been a long two-weeks to flatten the curve. Honestly, it feels a lot more like seven months (but who’s counting?). Cases are up. It’s amusing how the media are fixated on the total cases. They’re always growing! Yeah. Cumulative lists are like that, you idiots! But if you look just a little harder, you might discover that little percentage number that even the Health Department seems reluctant to highlight. That’s the number of recovered …
Yes, Governor Jay Inslee Really Is This Stupid.
Today Washington Governor Jay Inslee dropped the following Stupid Bomb on Twitter: Dude! Did you think of that yourself or did the bubble bath, plastic boaties and rubber duck help? “What aircraft carriers were in World War II, masks are today.” This is not just stupid, this is a black hole of Stupid so densely Stupid it attracts all galactic Stupid to itself, and gathers into a whirling mass of Stupid so thick and heavy …
Smilin’ Beorn the Bernese Mountain Dog
Beorn is our Bernese Mountain Dog and he’s a sweet guy. He loves The Missus, so for our Anniversary, I painted a big portrait of the big guy. At 36″ square, this portrait demands attention, but in a friendly, “Come Let Me Lick You” way. I love the orange-red background that reflects Beorn’s coloring and creates a warm and friendly effect overall. The biggest question we have now is where to put it. Fortunately, we’ve …
Numb and Number: My Weed Experience
I had weed for the first time. This is the story of my weed experience. A month before, The Missus and I went to a wedding. At the reception there was a Weed Bar. I didn’t partake, but later they handed out some two-inch square Cannabis brownies/caramels. I saved one and brought it home for later. I was talking to a Marijuana frequent flyer (Frequent Higher?). He told me that since I’d never had pot …
Cat Portrait: Blue Cotton
Most of my portrait work consists of dog portraits, but I’ve done a few cat portraits as well. A couple weeks ago I was feeling the need to work on a cat portrait as a nice change of pace. At that same time, a friend posted a photo of her cat on Facebook. I liked the photo and knew it would make a great practice portrait. Legally, I can’t just use reference photos without the …
Mastiff Puppy Portrait
Here’s a quick portrait of Hudson. This is from when he was 7 months old (five months ago). Hudson’s color and unique folds in his coat have been giving me fits ever since I started trying to paint him. With this portrait, I think I’m starting to figure out how to handle that distinctive face of his. More practice will help me nail down how to create fold patterns, and better tackle his subtle coloring. …
Boris vs. Porcupine
We put our beloved Boris down just over a year ago. I still miss my big buddy. Ten years was too short a time to spend with such a sweet-hearted dog. Here’s a quickie portrait of Boris after an encounter with a porcupine. Boris seemed very pleased with himself at the time. Fortunately none of the quills were very deep or in sensitive areas. Our previous dog, Reggie, a border-collie tried taking a bite out …
Here’s the score: We’re now in Month 6 of “Two weeks to flatten the curve.” Our governor acts like a king, dictating to us what we can do, how many we can do it with, and what we should wear. Businesses have died (including mine). The RULES keep changing. We engage in Safety Theater by wearing masks in public even though their effectiveness is in dispute. A black man died from an overdose in Minnesota …
Grizz Pet Portrait on Stretched Canvas
This portrait of Grizz is my latest pet portrait which, like most of my orders, was output on stretched canvas. The photo reference I used was excellent, a well lit, colorful photo. This allowed me to concentrate on making a painting that not only accurately represented Grizz, but also conveyed an artistic “punch” of stylistic brushwork and strong, vibrant colors. Love Your Pet ForeverMy PetArtWorks page describes the portrait ordering process. Listed prices are all-inclusive …
Your New Favorite Shirts
You’ll be the hit of virtual school in your new favorite shirts. All the other kids will look foolish on Zoom compared to you in your snazzy new “Free Hugs” T-shirt! That’s the best I can do when it comes to flogging my Sigmadog Shop on Redbubble. I’m just not very good at selling my own stuff. It’s the same with my paintings. I paint them and leave them lying around, often stacked up, leaning …