Criminally Incurious

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It is halfway through year 2 KFE (Kung Flu Era), and many people appear to have moved on with their lives, and that’s good. But if you think it’s over, you’ve got another thing coming. Most of us would sure like to see the world return to pre-Kung times, but that toothpaste has already been squeezed out of the tube and it ain’t going back. The power accrued by Big Tech, Big Media, Big Government …


Government Is Using Fear to Keep Us Down

topdogUnpopular Opinions

I’m tired of government fear tactics. I’ve tried to ignore them, but they keep pressing us down. Government wants to control our lives far too much. This puts me in a revolutionary frame of mind. More on that later. But first, let’s begin with an updated chart. That big red patch looks scary. It’s a cumulative number so the actual number of active cases is a lot less. In fact according to county stats, there …

Masks at Costco, or maybe Hell

Masks, Costco, and Life in Hell

topdogUnpopular Opinions

Last Friday the Panhandle Health District in Idaho ended mandatory mask wearing in public (YAY! Freedom!). We went to Costco in Coeur d’Alene that same day. Not to celebrate the end of the mandates, but because we were out of cottage cheese. The dogs demand a scoop of cottage cheese every night before their pre-bedtime ritual potty walk. They were not going to understand if the cupboards were bare, and they are big dogs. Hungry …

Characteristics of an Initiation Ritual

topdogUnpopular Opinions

It may sound esoteric and overly intellectual, but pay attention, because we’re living through it right now.Comments are open! Please add yours below. About the AuthortopdogTopdog is Steve Merryman, a graphic designer (retired), and illustrator. Living in the woods, Steve can often be found working on portrait commissions. In his spare time he paints, writes, shoots guns, cuts trees, hikes with his dogs, savors a beer or two, and searches for the perfect cheeseburger. He …

Jay Inslee is Stupid

Yes, Governor Jay Inslee Really Is This Stupid.

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Today Washington Governor Jay Inslee dropped the following Stupid Bomb on Twitter: Dude! Did you think of that yourself or did the bubble bath, plastic boaties and rubber duck help? “What aircraft carriers were in World War II, masks are today.” This is not just stupid, this is a black hole of Stupid so densely Stupid it attracts all galactic Stupid to itself, and gathers into a whirling mass of Stupid so thick and heavy …