Open Mike Growing Old

Growing Old Gracefully

topdogStories 3 Comments

Am I growing old gracefully? Not sure. All I know is I’m feeling old today. I turned 59 a few months ago. Last night I realized I’m still telling people I’m 58. Not because I’m avoiding the truth. Not because I’m fooling myself. Because I forgot. It’s not dementia that made me forget. I’m still in full control of my faculties. Don’t believe me? Just ask The Missus, or as I like to call her, …

Hudson more porcupine quills

Porcupine Removal Part 2

topdogStories 2 Comments

Last week I conducted a porcupine removal operation because not two days after his encounter last week, Hudson did it again. The first time he came away with 49 quills. This time the count was a bit less, only 40 quills. We knew by the size of the quills that it was a baby porcupine, or at least not fully grown. The vet said these small quills are harder to remove. Easy for her to …

Hiking with dogs

Hiking With Dogs

topdogPet Portraits 2 Comments

The Missus and I love to go hiking with dogs. Usually our hiking season is July – early September, but this year it will be scaled back a bit. Why? Beorn, our Bernese Mountain Dog, is recovering from his second knee surgery in two years. He needs time to build his strength back. Hudson looking forward to hiking and more porcupines Hudson, however is ready to go at any time. He loves getting out in …


Government Is Using Fear to Keep Us Down

topdogUnpopular Opinions 2 Comments

I’m tired of government fear tactics. I’ve tried to ignore them, but they keep pressing us down. Government wants to control our lives far too much. This puts me in a revolutionary frame of mind. More on that later. But first, let’s begin with an updated chart. That big red patch looks scary. It’s a cumulative number so the actual number of active cases is a lot less. In fact according to county stats, there …

A blog about Everything!

A Blog About Everything!

topdogStories 2 Comments

I’ve been trying to be more regular with my blogging schedule. Consistency is important in these kinds of things, especially if one is looking to expand one’s audience. And, really, don’t we all want to expand our audience? Twitter, “Yes!” Facebook, “Yep. Uh-huh.” Instagram, “Hell yeah!” Me, “Actually, I’m not so sure.” There’s a freedom that comes with toiling in obscurity. It’s the freedom to say just about anything knowing there are unlikely to be …

Masks at Costco, or maybe Hell

Masks, Costco, and Life in Hell

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Last Friday the Panhandle Health District in Idaho ended mandatory mask wearing in public (YAY! Freedom!). We went to Costco in Coeur d’Alene that same day. Not to celebrate the end of the mandates, but because we were out of cottage cheese. The dogs demand a scoop of cottage cheese every night before their pre-bedtime ritual potty walk. They were not going to understand if the cupboards were bare, and they are big dogs. Hungry …

Your brain on social media

Cancel Social Media Before It Cancels You

topdogUnpopular Opinions 2 Comments

I got a phone call from a high school friend the other day. We used to connect on Facebook. He left the platform (and all social media) because it took too much energy and brainpower trying to talk with morons. That’s my interpretation; he used different words, but that was the sense I got from it. Our conversation brought to mind my seething disdain for social media in general, and Facebook in particular. As I …