Looking out over my downed timber, I am confronted with a pressing mystery.
Yes! I’m the Asshole!
Every group of friends needs an asshole.
Dear Potsie; Please Adopt Me
Trying to get my art-career off the ground has been a long and disappointing challenge. It seems I keep getting pushed aside by those with more marketing savvy.
Hudson’s Secret
Hudson’s dark obsession gets the best of him yet again. Here is the (almost) true account of what happened.
Confession: I Beat My Mother
I’ve lived out here in your woods for twenty-two years, and if I’ve learned anything at all I’ve learned to not take shit from Mother Nature.
Dear Softball…
This is a blog post I wrote a couple days after my very last softball game, which happened on this day exactly ten years ago.
Drivers Shocked As Truck Strikes, Kills Fallen Trans Bird
Drivers were shocked on their morning commute Wednesday when a trans bird fell from under the Sullivan Street overpass directly into west-bound traffic on Interstate 90…
The Year of the Porcupine
I don’t know what year it is on the Chinese calendar (let’s ask Chinese hostage John Cena), but for me it’s definitely the Year of the Porcupine. In what is rapidly becoming a fortnightly event, Hudson on Tuesday came home with porcupine quills in his face and mouth. There is a dispute on the count, with The Missus saying it’s the seventh time, and me saying it’s the sixth. What is indisputable is that the …
Porcupine Removal Part 2
Last week I conducted a porcupine removal operation because not two days after his encounter last week, Hudson did it again. The first time he came away with 49 quills. This time the count was a bit less, only 40 quills. We knew by the size of the quills that it was a baby porcupine, or at least not fully grown. The vet said these small quills are harder to remove. Easy for her to …
Porcupine Quill Removal: Mastiff Edition
Last night we conducted a Porcupine Quill Removal on Hudson. This is how the battle went…