Winslow, a Bernese Mountain dog at six months old

Winslow at Six Months


I haven’t posted much about Winslow lately. He’s hit the six month mark, and is weighing in at over 80 lbs. A big boy, indeed! Winslow is a very high-spirited pup. It’s exhausting trying to keep him under control. I think he’s got a definite Alpha Dog vibe, which means he’s constantly challenging other dogs and us. I’ve had to do some research on training an alpha dog, and how to keep them in line. …

puppy feet

Coming Soon…


A couple weeks from now we’ll have a new family member. We’re still missing Beorn a lot. Grieving. Personally, I’m a bit down and tired, with little interest in doing much of anything, though I’m starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Could be a freight train, I don’t know. The Missus and I often talked about what kind of dog we’d get when Beorn was gone. We both agreed it …