I’ve spent the last twenty years practicing social distancing. This is my moment. This is what I’ve been training for.
The Unpardonable Sin
Sometimes you have to make a stand against injustice.
Toilet Paper Wars
I just don’t get the toilet paper panic. Of all the things to panic-buy in preparation for a virus, toilet paper would be very far down on my list.
Conversation with a Dog (Part Two)
In which Boris counsels me on the mysteries of deer poop, where dreams come from, and puppies.
Pet Portrait – Sage the Ohio Fan
Sage was a big Ohio fan. I created this portrait for Dave who ordered it as a Christmas gift last year.
Conversation with a Dog (part 1)
I was sitting on a bench in the mall when my dog came up and sat down beside me. This is the conversation that followed.
Bloomsday Poster Series Completed
It took four years, and now I can finally show you the complete Bloomsday Poster series.
Bernie Sanders Applies for a Design Job
A few years ago I was seeking to hire a new designer. Here’s how one interview went.
Bailey: An Early Christmas Gift
A Christmas Commission from 2019.
Parenting Via Mental Abuse
Practical jokes are a tradition in our family, and The Kid has always been our favorite target. On her 35th birthday, I struck again.