Mosquito Dream

Mosquito Dream


The following is my entry in a 100-word Flash Fiction Challenge held recently at WritingForums, where I am a member. Everyone voted, and this story won First Place. Before posting it here, I fixed a couple minor punctuation inconsistencies. I also removed one inconsequential word and added a very important word (“Smiling” in the last sentence) which in my view makes the story stronger. The total word count is 100.I died in disgrace. There is …

Fantasy League


Trolls make great catchers. This troll, however, wanted to play first base. The troll wasn’t having any of Rick’s usual “do as you’re told,” garbage. As manager, Rick knew he had to maintain tight control of his players, and these players in particular. Next to the dragon and were-beasts, the trolls were the hardest to control. He had to find a way to get the troll to play ball, as it were, and accept his …