Open Mike e-harmony

Covid-19 and Worst Case Scenarios

topdogStories Leave a Comment

I was listening to the radio the other day and whoever I was listening to (I can’t remember who) said his wife had tested positive for the Kung Flu. His sidekick asked how she was doing and the guy said something to the effect that “I’m not sure, but I have started dating again…”. I thought it was funny, so I stole the concept for a new Open Mike comic. Stealing concepts has a glorious …

spokane schools closed

Virus Panic, Closed Schools, and a Lesson in Ignorance

topdogUnpopular Opinions

On Monday, August 3, Spokane Schools announced their decision to conduct all classes online in the fall. They did this due to fears of the spread of Kung Flu. I looked up the county statistics on August 5 and found in the four and a half months they have been monitoring the Wuhan Lung Rot, there have been a total of six hospitalizations and zero deaths in the 0-19 age range in all of Spokane …

neighbor dog

Too Hot to Blog

topdogRural Living 2 Comments

It’s Too Hot to Blog!Summer has finally arrived, and we’re getting it good and hard. It’s in the mid 90’s (my comfort level runs from 65° to 85°). The dogs are coping. Beorn is spending his days in the basement where it’s a cool and constant 65°. This is Hudson’s first summer and he doesn’t seem to even notice because he’s got a new playmate. The neighbors have a 6-month old German Shepherd pup, Kairo. …

Diesel feature image

Diesel in a Wheat Field

topdogPet Portraits 2 Comments

With this portrait of Diesel, like every portrait, the first creative decision is how to present her. Often this decision is easy, there is usually at least one photo reference that stands out. If I’m really lucky, that one photo will not only have a great pose with personality, but the lighting will be right (best lit from the side, hardly ever good from the front), and the focus nice and crisp. When that happens, …

Mao and mass graves

A Communist Gives The Best Reason to Keep Guns

topdogUnpopular Opinions 4 Comments

“I’m gonna come at you,” he said. The blank stare I gave him in response suggested the need for more information. “About gun ownership,” he added. “Okay,” I replied. Here we go, I thought. In the next few minutes, he regaled me with his deep and abiding hatred of gun violence. Golly! I hate gun violence too! Perhaps we are kindred spirits. He went on to briefly describe how his colleagues – fellow teachers and …

Hipster Boys image

Hipster Boys

topdogStories 2 Comments

Hipster boys with heavy beards, appear like 19th Century pioneers. You’ll never see them cut a tree. You’ll never see them sail the sea. You’ll never see them hitch a plow. They’re hipster boys: They don’t know how. They aren’t sea captains, or lumberjacks, Amish farmers, or Yiddish hacks. Not terrorists or biker dudes. Just hipster boys with attitudes. For what real men can do without, Hipster boys will scream and shout. Video games and …

little devil

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace My Racism

topdogStories 3 Comments

This story is completely true. It was the first softball game of the County Summer Co-ed Rec League. I was a bit late to the ball park, and most everyone was already there. Some were sitting on the bench putting on cleats. Others were in the outfield stretching and warming up. The late afternoon sun cast everything in a yellow golden hue, and warmed my back and legs as I approached the field. When I …

Spokane Pet Expo Cutest Pet Winner

topdogPet Portraits 2 Comments

Last fall we participated in the North Idaho Pet Expo to promote our side business, PetArtWorks pet portraits. It was our first trade show. The day before the show, while we were setting up, we were approached by the event coordinator who liked my work so much she asked if we’d be willing to offer a free portrait to the winner of the Cutest Pet Photo Contest in the Spokane Pet Expo scheduled for Spring …