A brief encounter in a design studio somewhere in America.
Open Mike on Puppies
I created Open Mike as an alternative to me boring audiences at local comedy clubs.
Horse Portrait: Wiley
He threw me at first, but I got back up on this horse
A Dead Moose: Smarter Than Governor Inslee
I saw a moose today. It didn’t look well. Also, Governor Inslee is an idiot.
The Blogger Was Angry That Day, My Friends
Ordinary Quarantine anger percolates under the surface. This is not that.
Sherlock – a Digital Painting Demonstration
I’ve had a couple portrait commissions going the last couple weeks. I decided to create a video of my process creating this Sherlock portrait.
When You’re In the Mood for a Berger…
Had a great afternoon taking photos of Leonberger pups and their older chaperones.
Quarantine Shorts
Not every day deserves a long post. Here’s a bunch of shorts.
Authority and its Media Gigolo
In the midst of Death Race 2020: Kung Flu Fever, it’s never been more clear how inadequate media is to the task of asking important questions…