In this post I jump ahead to the last day of our trip through five states. The highlight of which was a spectacular tour of Lewis and Clark Caverns.
A Pressing Mystery
Looking out over my downed timber, I am confronted with a pressing mystery.
More Guns = Less Crime
A video that is sure to trigger several people I know, some CPL information and revised Gun Safety Rules
The Big Question
One week. Five states. The Missus, me, and two enormous dogs in a tiny teardrop trailer. Everywhere we went, people asked us the same question.
To Encourage The Others
What does splitting firewood have to do with eighteenth century British Admirals and present day Afghanistan? I’m glad you asked!
Yes! I’m the Asshole!
Every group of friends needs an asshole.
Watercolor Failure 13
Watercolor camp continues this week. I don’t have a lot to say except my failures are starting to look better. Not good. Just better than before. That’s progress. There are quite a few things I need to work on, among them: Don’t be afraid of color. I tend to wimp out on color saturation on the early washes. I need to be bolder. Save the details. I tend to overwork the details way too soon. …
Relearning Watercolor
It was about 15 years ago that I painted my last watercolor. Since then I switched to almost 100% digital illustration. The long-term affect is that I no longer have the ability and familiarity with watercolor. With retirement, I’ve made a commitment to get back into traditional media, starting with watercolor, knowing full well that watercolor has, with a couple exceptions, been an extremely difficult medium for me to figure out. Coming from an oil …
Dear Potsie; Please Adopt Me
Trying to get my art-career off the ground has been a long and disappointing challenge. It seems I keep getting pushed aside by those with more marketing savvy.