The fight for dominance is fierce as these two evenly matched puppies battle for alpha status in a snowy cage match. Two enter. Two leave, but with biscuit treats.
Hudson’s Secret
Hudson’s dark obsession gets the best of him yet again. Here is the (almost) true account of what happened.
Confession: I Beat My Mother
I’ve lived out here in your woods for twenty-two years, and if I’ve learned anything at all I’ve learned to not take shit from Mother Nature.
Dear Softball…
This is a blog post I wrote a couple days after my very last softball game, which happened on this day exactly ten years ago.
Drivers Shocked As Truck Strikes, Kills Fallen Trans Bird
Drivers were shocked on their morning commute Wednesday when a trans bird fell from under the Sullivan Street overpass directly into west-bound traffic on Interstate 90…
Book Cover Artwork: The Story of Echo
I recently completed illustration and book cover artwork for a fantasy/steampunk novel by J.E. Daniels titled “The Story of Echo”. The ebook is now available for purchase on Amazon, so I’ve been given the go ahead to reveal it here.
How To Destroy the Home Rental Industry
Saw on the news tonight that rents in Spokane are very high and availability is very low. The reporter didn’t really have a clue but presented her idiocy with confidence and verve.
Semi-Retired Is Like “Sorta Pregnant”
In which I announce my semi-retirement from the design biz, and ramble on and on about the “Good Ol’ Days” like every other old retired fart.
Happy Independence Day!
I hope everyone has a good Independence Day. Here are a couple items of interest on this momentous day …
Speaking of Books…
You may or may not remember my post from last week regarding my Father’s Day gift of four used books from The Kid. Books and writing have been on my mind a lot lately. As I get older I start to think about the things I’d like to do before I croak. I recently told a friend that writing a novel is one of those things. Of course, I’ve been thinking of doing that for …