Saw on the news tonight that rents in Spokane are very high and availability is very low. The reporter didn’t really have a clue but presented her idiocy with confidence and verve.
Yes, Governor Jay Inslee Really Is This Stupid.
Today Washington Governor Jay Inslee dropped the following Stupid Bomb on Twitter: Dude! Did you think of that yourself or did the bubble bath, plastic boaties and rubber duck help? “What aircraft carriers were in World War II, masks are today.” This is not just stupid, this is a black hole of Stupid so densely Stupid it attracts all galactic Stupid to itself, and gathers into a whirling mass of Stupid so thick and heavy …
A Dead Moose: Smarter Than Governor Inslee
I saw a moose today. It didn’t look well. Also, Governor Inslee is an idiot.
The Blogger Was Angry That Day, My Friends
Ordinary Quarantine anger percolates under the surface. This is not that.