I turned sixty the other day, and I feel great. At least that’s what the nurses told me…
My Transition: A Very Important Announcement
I am not the man I thought I was on the inside. I’ve been living a lie.
Harvey in snow
Harvey was a local commission as a birthday gift.
A Christmas Miracle (but not the one you’re thinking of)
You won’t believe what happened to me and my dog on this very cold and snowy Christmas Morning, but this story is absolutely true.
2021 Christmas Greetings
Our yearly Christmas card has been sent out to everyone on our list. If you’re not on our list, this is what you missed.
All The Tactical Dogs Have One
I had an odd conversation in a Wendy’s parking lot with a guy about Hudson’s “tactical” harness.
This portrait of Milo shows how important the eyes are to a portrait. Get ’em right and you’re golden. Get ’em wrong and you’ll never be satisfied with the painting.
Max With a Stick
Max is a happy puppy with a stick. This is a portrait commission from early 2021.