Sun showing through thick wildfire smoke in a pine forest near Spokane, Washington

Welcome to Lovely Smokane!

topdogRural Living 4 Comments

After a relatively calm summer for this region, the wildfires finally struck last Friday. Dry late-summer conditions and high winds combined to form the perfect combination for wildly destructive firestorms. All that was required was a spark. Which – I assume – some people helpfully supplied. I “assume” because the fires are still being fought and the causes have not been determined. However, there were no obvious natural causes; no thunderstorms; no volcanic eruptions; no …

Sleeping Arrangements

topdogStories 4 Comments

Our friends looked at us in shock when we told them of our sleeping arrangements. Previously, the only decision regarding sleeping arrangements in our house had to do with who spoons who. That was until we started letting the dogs sleep on the bed with us. After that, there was no spooning. In fact there was no room for any utensils. Frankly, I do miss the forking. We’re accustomed to strange looks when people learn …

Mac Studio

PRIDE and Pity

topdogUnpopular Opinions 4 Comments

I was going to wait until next year to purchase a new computer. That was when I thought Apple would announce new models of the Mac Studio (my preferred desktop). But they announced new models in early June, and immediately the prices dropped for last year’s model. So I pulled the trigger a year early, saving roughly $600. The computer arrived last week. I’ve been working on moving my files and apps from the old …

Lake Pend Oreille - Idaho

How Nuclear War Nearly Ruined My Anniversary

topdogStories 2 Comments

It was late September, 2022. The Missus, the dogs, and I were camping in Farragut State Park in northern Idaho. The weather was beautiful with warm days and cool nights that herald the approach of fall and the reluctant passing of summer. We were there to enjoy nature and celebrate our 30th anniversary. On that day, we decided to drive to the east side of the lake, looking for a way to an isolated campground …

Poogle parody logo

Google Is Shit

topdogUnpopular Opinions 4 Comments

Recently, I posted a new T-shirt design on TeePublic, a site that offers artist designs on T-shirts and other items. The design (above) is a parody of a certain popular search site that rhymes with Boogle. I think it’s pretty funny, not to mention true. Unfortunately, the soulless automatons at Koogle were not pleased, and I received an email from TeePublic informing me the design was removed at Noogles request, claiming the design… get this… …

A Special Environmental Message

topdogRural Living 2 Comments

I don’t know how you plan on observing Earth Day, but this my traditional way to celebrate. It turns out that on average, the middle of April is a great time to burn slash.About the Author Topdog is Steve Merryman, a retired graphic designer, illustrator, and unrepentant asshole. Steve can usually be found working on a portrait commission or some other artwork. Steve fills his days by painting, writing, shootin’ guns, cuttin’ trees, hiking with …