For the longest time I’ve used Corel Painter for nearly all my portraits. About 2 years ago I – foolishly, in a moment of weakness – opted for a new subscription model for Painter. So instead of evaluating and deciding if new upgrades were worth the cost of upgrading, I would automatically get the new upgrade as part of my yearly $200 subscription fee. Well, it’s been over two years without any upgrades in Painter, …
A Sweet Sixteen!
I’ve been painting pet portraits steadily for the last five years (and as a side-business for the five years prior to that). Most of my work has come to me through word of mouth, and repeat customers. In the last year or so, orders have slowed. I figured it was time to try something new. This past October and November, I purchased a booth in two local craft fairs. My booth consisted of several sample …
They Went to Antarctica and Had a Ball!
Every time I encounter a flat earth believer, it’s like coming across a highway accident. As I slowly inch by the sputtering road flares, I try not to look at the broken inferences, non-sequiturs, and bloody analogies strewn on the road. But look I must. In doing so I feel pity and sadness at the loss of another misled mind that swerved into oncoming science, saying to myself, “if only they had been secured by …
The Eyes Have it
I’ve been buried in pet portrait commissions all of November with absolutely no time to blog. Tonight, I’m taking a moment to post a portrait from way back in May of this year, and I’ll have more to say about my busy November once I finalize my commissions. The thing I love most about painting pet portraits is when I can successfully convey the personality of the pet. It depends a lot on the photos …
A Halloween story
Trading Grasshoppers For Peace
In early August we were hosted three visitors for two weeks. This is the story of how I survived.
Welcome to the oven!
Our yearly trip was, as usual, full of adventure, misadventure, and lessons learned.
Last Chance Cafe
This is a short story about The Sift, a timeless place somewhere between Heaven and Hell.
Rocks and Snow graphite series
A series of six small (4 x 6 inch) graphite drawings entitled Rocks and Snow. Having fun with these, so there will be more to come.
This is Scout, one of my first commissions. Painted with just enough detail to activate your brain!