The cold grip of winter is slowly giving way to spring, and myself and the dogs are very happy about it.
Hot All Week
This morning at 10:00 a.m. I checked the temperature in the shade of our deck. It said 90°(F). That’s 90°. In the shade. At ten in the morning. I don’t enjoy heat waves. My comfortable temperature range goes from 25° to 85°. So while I’m cool with cool, hot ain’t so hot. These temperatures are supposed to stay with us all week and will probably continue in the 90’s for most of the summer. How …
Too Hot to Blog
It’s Too Hot to Blog!Summer has finally arrived, and we’re getting it good and hard. It’s in the mid 90’s (my comfort level runs from 65° to 85°). The dogs are coping. Beorn is spending his days in the basement where it’s a cool and constant 65°. This is Hudson’s first summer and he doesn’t seem to even notice because he’s got a new playmate. The neighbors have a 6-month old German Shepherd pup, Kairo. …