A goofy German Shepherd dog named Otto

The Hughes Brothers: Otto

topdogPet Portraits 2 Comments

This is Otto, the last of three German Shepherd portraits I've done for the Hughes family.

When I received the photo references from the family I had an immediate question: What's with Otto's ears?

They replied, "That's how they look most the time. He's kind of lazy and a real goofball."

Enough said. I went with the cockeyed ears and, for added drama (and to accentuate the "goofy" factor) I added just a bit of his tongue hanging out.

When they saw the proof I sent, they responded with one word: "Perfect!"

I love it when I can convey a sense of the pet's personality in the portrait. It's not always evident in the photos you send, so make sure to let me know on the order form (there's a spot for just these sort of notes).

Here's Otto.

Portrait of Otto, a German Shepherd

Otto Hughes (digital, 18x24). The client asked to make him look goofy, because that's how he is.

Love Your Pet Forever

I create custom portraits from your photographs, so you can love your pet forever. I paint all portraits digitally by hand (not photo-filtered) to create beautiful and lasting portraits printed on artist canvas and delivered to your door ready-to-hang.

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Steve in 2021
About the Author

Topdog is Steve Merryman, a retired graphic designer, illustrator, and unrepentant asshole. Steve can usually be found working on a portrait commission or some other artwork. Steve fills his days by painting, writing, shootin' guns, cuttin' trees, hiking with his dogs, and savoring a beer or two, all while searching for the perfect cheeseburger. He studiously avoids social media and is occasionally without pants.

Comments 2

  1. I must say I love your style of human kindness, and love of doggies too. For a side note I too wear no pants just a man’s dress shirt style. My kids have said years ‘mom put pants on!’ Me, “ it’s my house go home to yours” lol 😂 Ialso love German Shepherds am getting a new pup soon. I am a writer of children’s books, cookbooks for people and my new book cooking for your pets.
    Anyway love the art work and your Gab page, hope I can get the right picture so I can afford a portrait of my dog Angel.
    Love your sense of perspective and humor. TTFN ✌🏻 A Girl from Humboldt CA 💚

  2. Post

    Thanks, Elle! Thanks for stopping by.

    I had German Shepherds growing up and loved them. They’re very protective and loving to their “pack”, and it helps to socialize them early to people and other animals.

    The Missus and I are crazy for big dogs. Living out in the wilderness makes large dogs a necessity. We take them everywhere that is pet friendly so they learn to accept the presence of strangers, but they still can be very intimidating barking in front of our house when people come by. That’s their job!

    I’ll look forward to painting your dog when you’re ready. By the way, I send out a newsletter once a month or so and often include specials and/or discounts for my readers, so you might consider signing up for that.


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