Three years ago when the Kung Flu arrived and government went all Third Reich on our asses, I was lost, angry, and confused. It took some time, but I think I've figured out what's happening.
The Venn diagram above mostly lays out the big picture. There are most certainly nuances I've missed and left out, but this is the world as I see it in broad strokes.
The world has changed significantly in the last three years, or maybe I've simply opened my eyes and am finally seeing through the shadows in Plato's Cave.
Like I said, when all this happened I was lost, angry, and confused. Now, I'm no longer lost or confused.
As for the anger, well, yeah I'm still plenty angry, and you should be, too.

About the Author
Topdog is Steve Merryman, a retired graphic designer, illustrator, and unrepentant asshole. Steve can usually be found working on a portrait commission or some other artwork. Steve fills his days by painting, writing, shootin' guns, cuttin' trees, hiking with his dogs, and savoring a beer or two, all while searching for the perfect cheeseburger. He studiously avoids social media and is occasionally without pants.
Comments 5
Good morning “asshole”…(…or so you self-describe…) from another “asshole”…
*(side note= My dear mother-in-law was certain that the first words out of our kids mouth would be “asshole”, seeing as how it was my favorite ‘term-du jour’…)
I get your anger…hard to NOT be angry considering all the ASSHOLES currently calling the shots, be they in the Government or media.
My final answer? Listen to them, but refuse to comply with ANY dictate that doesn’t square with your reasoning!
Be as respectful as you can, but NEVER sacrifice truth for “can’t we all just get along?”…
I hope and pray that enough eyes are being opened that our first course for making change (the ballot box) will be used to halt the rampant TYRANY we face. We each get one vote, so all LEGAL voters must be committed to changing what we see happening on a daily basis.
Barring that “legal” change thru our vote, should it become necessary, we have the LEGAL, DECLARATIONAL, OBLIGATION to change our government ! God help us all if we must turn to those measures.
Thanks for checking in, Chuck!
As and asshole and a hermit, I agree in principle that vocal resistance is a good course of action, though it’s not exactly in my wheelhouse.
And yet, we will win.
I admire your optimism, Sir!
I can do no other. We have seen the lights go dim a hundred times over tens of centuries. And we win.
We will win. I never said it would be easy, though . . .