Digital Painting Demo of Brooks

topdogPet Portraits 3 Comments

This digital painting demo was created way back in November for a Christmas pet portrait order.

In this demo, I show the whole screen including the software palettes and my reference images. I use an older version of Corel Painter (from 2019). My current system is a bit slow for the latest versions. Typical of software these days, there's a lot of feature bloat in the newer versions anyway.

The final size of this portrait is 16x16.

For some reason the finished image in the video is a bit washed out. The actual image – and the print – is better. Below is a more accurate representation of the final image.

dog portrait Brooks

Brooks (16x16)

Love Your Pet Forever

I have been doing these portraits for years for family and friends. Now I'm doing them for everyone. Let me create a custom pet portrait inspired by your photos.

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