Another pet portrait Christmas commission, this time of a lovely pair of Labradors named Bella and Maggie.
This commission was based on one photo only. Yikes! I don't like it when I get just one photo from which to work. Normally I ask for a few more to help me see details that one photo may miss.
However, this photo reference, while a bit low resolution, was clear enough to reveal the important details I needed. I was able to make educated guesses on the remaining mysteries.
I remain grateful to John at WilderWealthyWise blog for pointing this customer, and several others, my way during my best-ever Christmas season. Thanks, Buddy!
Almost Dailies:
Rocks and Snow graphite series
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April 25, 2024Share this Post
Comments 1
I’m smiling – and the people who got that picture certainly did, too! Great work!